Bag Filters
Medium to high efficiency High efficiency filtration with low resistance Available in wide range of size Gasketing products available Ultra Sonic welding technology
These Synthetic pocket filters are used in both commercial and industrial applications and others such as hospital, schools and public building. They are installed in general air conditioning plants, in gas turbine equipments or in computer suite to protect equipments for a longer service life. Pocket filter is also used as a medium filter in clean room filtration or where high cleaning efficiency is required.
Series: Pocket series
• Frame: Galvanized sheet metal 20mm header frame
• Media: Synthetic fiber ultrasonic oversew
•Fire retardant grade: UL900
•Temperature: 70º C
• Humidity: 100% RH
• Efficiency:
F5 (EN 779) 40-60% ASHRAE 52.1 (White)
F6 (EN 779), 60-80% ASHRAE 52.1 (Green)
F7 (EN 779), 80-90% ASHRAE 52.1 (Pink)
F8 (EN 779), 90-95% ASHRAE 52.1 (Yellow)
•Recommended final pressure drop: 250pa
• Frame: Galvanized sheet metal 20mm header frame
• Media: Synthetic fiber ultrasonic oversew
•Fire retardant grade: UL900
•Temperature: 70º C
• Humidity: 100% RH
• Efficiency:
F5 (EN 779) 40-60% ASHRAE 52.1 (White)
F6 (EN 779), 60-80% ASHRAE 52.1 (Green)
F7 (EN 779), 80-90% ASHRAE 52.1 (Pink)
F8 (EN 779), 90-95% ASHRAE 52.1 (Yellow)
•Recommended final pressure drop: 250pa